罗茜, 周雨馨, 马瑞, 蒋韫博, 张改生, 刘明宇, 牛娜, 宋瑜龙
Effects of Alloplasmic Cytoplasms on Main Agronomic Traits, Pollen Grains Nuclear Division and Anther Tapetum Degradation of Male Sterile Lines in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
LUO Qian, ZHOU Yuxin, MA Rui, JIANG Yunbo, ZHANG Gaisheng, LIU Mingyu, NIU Na, SONG Yulong
核农学报 . 2020, (8): 1631 -1644 .  DOI: 10.11869/j.issn.100-8551.2020.08.1631