李国良, 刘中华, 许泳清, 张鸿, 李华伟, 纪荣昌, 罗文彬, 邱思鑫, 汤浩, 邱永祥
Effect of Light and Temperature on Anthocyanin Biosynthesis and Expression of Anthocyanin Structural Genes in Leaf-vegetable Sweetpotato Leaves
LI Guoliang, LIU Zhonghua, XU Yongqing, ZHANG Hong, LI Huawei, JI Rongchang, LUO Wenbin, QIU Sixin, TANG Hao, QIU Yongxiang
核农学报 . 2017, (1): 8 -13 .  DOI: 10.11869/j.issn.100-8551.2017.01.0008